The Springfield Area Has 12 Outdoor Bike Aide Stations
The Link is an 8-mile long low volume, slow speed, on-street biking and pedestrian route that connects from Doling Family Center all the way to Cox South. Besides providing a safe route for active transportation, the Link connects people to the greenway trails, neighborhoods, schools, workplaces, retail and many other destinations including Doling Park, Drury University, Jordan Valley Park, Missouri State University, Phelps Grove Park, South Creek Greenway (at Jefferson and Sunset), CoxSouth and Twin Oaks Park. See The Link map here.
Here are the locations of the outdoor bike aide stations along the Link and the trails, from north to south: (Bike aide station locations are also shown on our overall map.)
1. Frisco Highline Trail – Willard Trailhead, 211 E. Jackson Street
2. Doling Park Family Center – 301 E. Talmage Street
3. Drury University – Calhoun Street & Washington Avenue
4. Rare Breed Youth Center – Main & Water Streets
5. Downtown Bus Transit Center – Main Avenue & College Street
6. Route 66 Roadside Park – 1118 W. College Street (College Street & Fort Avenue)
7. Missouri State University, Foster Rec Center – 945 E. Madison Street (JQH & Madison)
8. Missouri State University, Garst Dining Hall – 1014 E. Cherry Street
9. Missouri State University, Strong Hall – 900 S. Holland Avenue
10. Missouri State University, Kemper Hall – 921 S. JQH Parkway (JQH & Grand Street)
11. Phelps Grove Park – 1391 S. Clay Avenue (Clay Avenue & Bennett Street)
12. South Creek Greenway/The Link – Sunset Street near Holland Avenue